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Junction Trio
January 11, 2022
7:30 p.m.
John Zorn (b. 1953): Ghosts
Maurice Ravel: Piano Trio
Robert Schumann: Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 63
Junction Trio​
Stefan Jackiw, violin
Jay Campbell, cello
Conrad Tao, piano
Tulane University, Dixon Hall
Masks & proof of COVID vaccination required.
Please note there is no parking shuttle running for this concert.
“This top-notch trio stands at the top of its game.”
– Boston Musical Intelligencer

Three visionary next-generation artists combine internationally recognized talents in the eclectic new ensemble, Junction Trio. The Trio has performed at Washington Performing Arts, Portland Ovations, Rockport Music, Chautauqua Institution, Royal Conservatory in Toronto, and the Aspen Music Festival.
Admired for combining poetic interpretation with impeccable technique, violinist Stefan Jackiw joins cellist Jay Campbell and pianist and composer Conrad Tao, whom the New York Times has called a musician of “probing intellect and open-hearted vision.”
Campbell, too, has been praised by the New York Times as “electrifying,” approaching old and new works with the same curiosity and emotional commitment while Jackiw has been celebrated for his “remarkable purity of tone.”